December - Trees for Christmas Lights

December - Trees for Christmas Lights

Whether you’re in the planning stage for your front curb appeal, or trying to bring the festive to your current front yard, trees and shrubs are an excellent way to get started or to be planning ahead for next year!

When it comes to outdoor Christmas and holiday decorating, the options are really endless. When planning your front design thinking about Christmas and holiday light displays is a surprising consideration you should keep in mind!

Types of trees for Christmas and holiday light displays:

Trees for Christmas lights van be broken down into 2 (or 3) categories:



Deciduous trees and shrubs have dropped their leaves for the winter and are in their dormant stage. This makes deciduous trees perfect for wrapping lights for the elegant and quintessential Christmas look. Choose your branches wisely for the most bang for your buck. You do not need to wrap every branch, just the biggest and possibly most interestingly shaped. They are in their dormant stage, so while most are quite sturdy, be careful not to snap branches while they are not at the peak of their flexibility!



Evergreen trees sill have their leaves and are often still full during the holiday season. The evergreen category would include your traditional pine trees and holly trees. Most pine trees continue to grow for years so a holly tree in your front design can give you all of the Christmas feels with a maximum height so you know it won’t grow too big for your property. Of course there are shrubs and perennials that are evergreen as well and boxwoods whether shaped or natural are excellent canvases for lighting!


Backyard (Not a tree type, but you get it)

While “backyard” is not a “tree type,” it is it’s own category to consider while decorating. Don’t forget about the backyard for your displays! Keep the backyard festive since you can still gather around the fire pit over the season! Also consider investing in something more permanent for the backyard, like cafe lights or tree up-lights!

Mixing the types of trees, shrubs and methods of lighting is going to create the most dynamic display. So whether you are using what you have or planning for next year, hopefully this will get the creative juices flowing!

These are just a few tips for getting lights on your trees. But hey, who are we to say, break out those tacky projectors and blow up lawn ornaments, “You do you!” and have a great Christmas and holiday season!