December - Gift the gift of family time

tis the season to

The holiday season can often bring with it a whirlwind of stress, from shopping for the perfect gifts to preparing elaborate feasts. Amidst the chaos, why not alleviate some of the burden by checking off the ultimate gift for the family? A gift of landscape design + install is a gift of family time. It’s an investment for years to come. A thoughtfully crafted outdoor space not only provides a serene escape but also becomes a lasting present.


A well-thought-out and carefully crafted outdoor space becomes an extension of the home, offering a sanctuary for shared moments and creating a backdrop for countless family memories. From cozy evenings around a fire pit to lively gatherings on a thoughtfully designed patio, the investment in landscaping transforms a mere backyard into a hub of togetherness. It provides a canvas for outdoor play, relaxation, and bonding, fostering a sense of unity and connection that resonates with the heart of family living. As seasons change, so does the landscape, ensuring a dynamic and evolving environment that adapts to the ever-shifting tapestry of family life. Ultimately, a landscape design is an enduring investment, yielding returns not only in aesthetic appeal but, more importantly, in the precious moments of joy, laughter, and shared experiences that become the true wealth of a family at home.

The gift

GreenRoots can provide gift certificates good for the design retainer and you can win Christmas by giving the ultimate gift this year. Give your partner the a promise of a new front for curb appeal, or a patio space to unwind in after work, or gift your family the first step towards a dream pool space.

of family

Every installation begins with design. In our typical process we begin with a consultation and from there we have a design retainer fee that ranges from $750-$2500 depending on the scope of the project and the length of the permitting process etc. Typically a front walkway would be at the lower end of the retainer range and a pool would be at the higher end of the range. The design retainer gives you the complete design and idea board to create the backyard of your dreams. After the design begins the installation process.


Creating a haven to unwind in and create cherished memories is the gift of family time at home. If you have been putting off reaching out and taking the first step, no time like the present and give the ultimate gift this year. An investment in making memories in your own backyard.

Take Action!

Reach out to today and GreenRoots will create a gift certificate worth wrapping and placing under the tree for the ultimate surprise! For gift certificates email


Looking for more Gift Certificate Ideas/Info? Click the link below for some ideas: