October | Fall Curb Appeal

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Fall has fallen
upon us!

Cool nights and brisk mornings have us ready to bring on the fall decor!

We have partnered with our friends at Zinc Garden Shop to get the creative juices flowing! 

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Fall decor is not all mums or all pumpkins. It is still an art of mixing textures to create a beautiful and natural scape.

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Mixing sizes and scale is also a key to a perfectly positioned 

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Adding and mixing color is what will set your “curb” apart from the rest!

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Needing more inspiration?

Head over to Zinc Garden Shop to purchase anything you might need to create a fall set up and to get inspired!

browse zinc garden shop online

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Need a space?

Need a space to enjoy the fall weather? Or a beautiful backdrop to add fall decor to? Contact GreenRoots today to add that patio or fire pit you need to enjoy the fall to its fullest!

Contact greenroots

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