Yes, you CAN have your dream wedding in your own backyard!



is “love month” and with Valentine’s Day being one of the  most popular days to get engaged, let us take this time to talk about backyard weddings! Wedding planning can be overwhelming and more and more people are opting to get married at home. Let us encourage you, you can have your dream wedding in your own backyard!

There are SO many moving pieces to planning a wedding. Anyone who’s been through the process knows that preparation starts as soon as there is a definitive “Yes!” to a proposal (and maybe even sooner). That’s a lot of pressure! And top of it all, you and your beloved aren’t the only couple planning a wedding in your area; You basically have to compete for the venues, caterers, bands, and florists you want for your wedding. (Um… is anyone else getting overwhelmed?)


While a wedding planner can help you navigate these many steps, one option worth considering is having the wedding in your own backyard. This option is not just a good idea in that massively simplifies the planning process (although it almost certainly will), but it will actually enable you to create the wedding you’ve imagined (without the annoying competition).

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Just think about the benefits:

Your yard is extremely customizable 

Wedding venues are expense and time-specific. It’s hard to book a spot for when you want and even harder to find a place that is tailored to exactly what you are looking for. Your yard on the other hand can be customized to exactly what you need.


Coordinating colors

With your own backyard, you can get the look you want, exactly.

Set it up ahead of time

There’s nothing worse than feeling like your event dreams are determined by others’ schedules. When hosting an event

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So... How?

Start by considering the user 

The flow of the wedding and ensuring that all your guests are comfortable is critical. Walking through each stage of the event and organizing the space accordingly will ensure a smooth flow. 

Think about sunset time, how to account for rain plans, and where you’ll have cocktail hour


Draw out the plan

With a landscaping partner like GreenRoots you can easily plot out the exact visuals with one of our skilled landscape designers

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Flowers, flowers, flowers

With your own event, you don’t just have to choose from picked or cut flowers, you can create your own romantic oasis with live plants!

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Have a contingency plan

With your outdoor wedding, there’s (almost always) a chance it could rain.

in conclusion

It’s possible: having the wedding of your dreams in the intimate setting custom made for you. Your guests will agree (and probably tell you P.S. I love your yard!). Let us know how we can help you today! Contact us and make a game plan today!
