Is Landscape Design worth the money?

If you’ve been reading our blogs for almost any amount of time, you’ve probably heard us say, we always recommend starting with an excellent design. I think most people would readily agree until they hear dollar signs. It is not that designs are expensive, we range from $500-$2500 depending on the scope of the project. But people give out free design/estimates? What is the difference from what we offer and what they are offering for free? In essence, are landscape design retainers worth the money? What’s the difference between us and “the other guys?”

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I was talking with my aunt who is building a house and encouraging her to get an architect and I was using the analogy of how and why we at GreenRoots Landscaping start with design in landscape and hardscape. I believe by the end of our conversation she was more convinced to get a landscape design than an architect, but I’ll keep working on her! Of course I would suggest she get an expert landscape design as well, but after she has her house plans in order.

Side note, we are happy to be included early in your projects. We will typically design around the house plans and start breaking ground when your project is nearing completion if not already completed. Ie plants should go in after contractors are finished etc. 

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Most people would agree that you should use an architect when building a house. You can try to design it yourself, but without the expertise and experience you will most likely miss something important inside or the angles or proportion outside will not be quite right in the end.  When it comes to architects and designers most of us realize the value of a great designer. “You get what you pay for” is a phrase we commonly accept as true. It is because they have experience, and/or will give it the time it deserves to do it right and tailored to your specific needs.

What is the difference between a landscape design and a “free estimate” the other guys are offering?

To be clear, we usually give a general estimate early on in our conversations to make sure we’re all on the same page, and from there go into designing a detailed plan. So you do not have to pay the design retainer immediately. We offer free consultations as our first introduction and conversation about your property.


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Number one is number one for a reason. If a company is offering a free design/estimate they are reusing the same design and plans they have used over and over again. A 10x10’ patio here put a 4’ bed there. Use this specific tree that we have 100 ordered in this corner. Done. Move on to the next house!

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When we design a space we are never using a cookie cutter. In fact it is a goal of ours to be different and unique for every project. Every patio size and shape is designed around your furniture, your goals and your plans on how to use the space to serve you and your family.

Also, families all look different. For example, just you and the dog? That’s a family. Every family looking different is really another example of how designing your outdoor space is tailored to your family’s needs, whatever that may look like for you.

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The other guys are trying to get in and out as quickly as possible. Without taking the time to consider your future plans or what would actually serve you best. The work that they complete will most likely need to be moved, expanded or changed to accommodate any future plans. And that is assuming it is not already falling apart in a year or two.

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A well designed space considers your immediate goals, as well as your future plans. We always recommend doing the whole plan now and to then complete parts of your property in phases. That way you are confident that the investments you are making will be coming together to create an entire space and nothing will need to be pulled up wasting your investment.

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If a company is willing to skip corners in the design and planning, it seems to reason that they are probably willing to skip corners in the installation as well right?

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We take everything we do seriously and strive for perfection on everything we do. That is in design and that continues through installation. We make sure every project we finish has been completed perfectly and using the best and most enduring techniques possible. Your outdoor space should be able to stand the test of time!

In closing

If I have not convinced you that using a company like GreenRoots Landscaping, experts in their field, is worth it by all means call the “other guys.” If you want your project done carefully and expertly, call us today to get a free landscape design consultation. Let us start planning your backyard dream together!

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