January - New Year, New Outdoor Space

The new year usually means new resolutions, new mantras, and an opportunity to reevaluate our lifestyles and habits. We joke about resolutions being a waste of time or something that is only a matter of time to be broken. But resolutions can be a great thing! They come from a point in time when are evaluating the last year, or the past few years, and are taking the opportunity to say, “I would like this to be different in the coming year.” Resolutions do not have to be about weight loss or exercising more, they can be about enjoying life more. What about spending more time at home enjoying your property?

November - Leaves, leaves everywhere

Autumn is here and according to the Smoky Mountains Fall Foliage Map we are just past peak season for fall color.

But colors are still marking the hills and landscape of our area with gradients of vibrant reds, yellows and oranges. While we love the colors, cooler temperatures and fall holidays and seasonal culinarily, did you say Pumpkin spice latte? However, a by-product of, what is the most common favorite season, is all of these leaves!

October - Planning your Outdoor Space

GreenRoots designers designs + expert installation are what set us apart from the rest. When our design team takes on a project we are considering the most important factors in creating an outdoor space. Your family’s needs and lifestyle. The flow from the highest traffic areas of your home into the backyard. The sustainability of the materials and construction of your project. And of course, the aesthetic and beauty of the plants, materials and design.

July = Heat

July is here, so it is time for our yearly reminder that the heat is brutal this time of year! Not only for you, but for your plants!! Even with plants carefully picked for our climate, the brutally hot days can take a toll on our plants. They will need extra care and attention to make sure they have enough water to get them through heat waves. When it is this hot out sometimes we hide inside in the a/c but with this weather it is important take a walk through your property, perhaps with a hose in hand, and give your plants some extra love!

May - Prepare for Summer

May - Prepare for Summer

May is here which means that summer is right around the corner! The temperatures are starting to turn which means more time outside enjoying your property. Thom is our horticulture specialist with all of the years of experience which is why we always listen to what “Thom says.” Well here the following is the list of how Thom says to prepare for summer:

March - The first step towards your dream backyard

Step one, dream big

The first step towards your dream backyard is dreaming big. How do you envision you and your family utilizing your backyard to its fullest potential? Are you envisioning a reading nook, a swim party central, a dream graduation party or an outdoor dining space with shade? Dreaming about how you want and can use the space is the first step to seeing your property at its fullest potential.

December - Trees for Christmas Lights

Whether you’re in the planning stage for your front curb appeal, or trying to bring the festive to your current front yard, trees and shrubs are an excellent way to get started or to be planning ahead for next year!

When it comes to outdoor Christmas and holiday decorating, the options are really endless. When planning your front design thinking about Christmas and holiday light displays is a surprising consideration you should keep in mind!